quinta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2009

Abraham Lincoln

A selection of past articles from "The Economist" to mark the bicentennial of the birth of the 16th president of the United States.

The new president-elect

“THE success of the Republican candidate for the Presidency in the United States will prove one of the greatest events of modern times, if it indicates, as we trust, no mere accidental fluctuation of public opinion in the direction of the Anti- Slavery cause, but the commencement of a permanent and sustained movement.”

See article: “The Republican President's Creed”, November 24th 1860

The death of a president

“THE murder of Mr Lincoln is a very great and very lamentable event, perhaps the greatest and most lamentable which has occurred since the coup d'etat, if not since Waterloo. It affects directly and immensely the welfare of the three most powerful countries in the world, America, France, and England, and it affects them all for evil.”

See article: “The Assassination of Mr Lincoln”, April 29th 1865

Looking back at Lincoln

“IT is yet too early to look for a full and satisfactory biography of one who in the pages of American history will occupy a place second only to Washington, both for services rendered to his country and for the integrity and simple-hearted devotion with which he served her.”

See article: “The Life and Administration of Abraham Lincoln”, July 29th 1865

From Economist.com, Feb 10th 2009


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